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Who are we…?

We Walk to Add Value to Paws.

It found in the Life Media, the Living Stray Animals in Nature and Street Care, Treatment, the bar being,
castrated to and rehomed on activities to resume Terms whatever Protection and Living with Animals
love in his heart that is not allowed to ill-treatment Gold Pati Turkey's We are volunteers.

Their Habitats for Life Touch Beautify 11 years and life in the community to raise standards Sensitivity
and Awareness Activities to Strengthen the Resume Gold Paws Turkey Street Animal Protection and
Rescue Association.
Our Association Founded in 2009; With the Support of Our Animal Loving Friends, Approximately 5000

Streets Touched Our Souls In 11 Years.
In Our 11 Years of Affectionate Activities

-He provided veterinary controls and treatments of 2500 street lives, including cats and dogs.
– 1500 Souls, who were rescued from the Street to be Cats and Dogs, were Owned to Their New Homes
– Horse, Donkey, Bird, Etc. Subjected to Maltreatment in Many Provinces of Our Country. It touched the
lives of thousands of souls.
Gold Paws Animal Protection and Rescue Association 11000m2 Turkey Street 'like Stray Animals
Rehabilitation Center, including in particular the Right to Life Violated all have to Host Life is doing. Our
Institution is an Active Working Institution with Rehabilitation Center and Field Rescue Operations.
Dear Friend, Your Walk is Enough.
Would You Like To Support Us With Every Step You Take….?
You just want it, one Step is enough
Take You in One Step, Add Value with Your Step